Speech of the Lord Mayor of Munich Hep Monatzeder refering to the production of a “ring stone” (Oct. 1996)


“It is a giant project, which is being planned by the artist IGADiM on the island of Lanzarote, regarding its dimensions as well as the broud participation…..

It is a global work of art in many ways and I am proud that Munich too will join.


Culture has always been the pioneer to better understanding between nations. But as it tradionally used to be the exchange of cultural goods which paved the way the artist is going further:

This work of art is not object of exchange but symbol and medium for the understanding between nations.


The basic message of the artist is the three- dimension of the human being: as an individual, as a social creature and as a part of the universe….


I hope…. that this stone will help to break down borders, join people, unite groops and lead to better understanding.


And I hope – according to IGADiM- , that the sculptur “Work Of Art” will be a symbol into the next millenium. That this next millenium will not be any further determined by war, racism and refugees but by a united work of people all over the world in favor of the planet earth as a place to live.”